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Wild Chimpanzee Foundation

Become involved!

Thank you for supporting our projects in West Africa!

All donations are gratefully received and will be used on our projects. All funds are strictly regulated and audited. Your donation is allowed against tax. A detailed yearly activity report is written and may be viewed on the webpage under Press, Reports and Publications. Please make sure to provide your full address if you require a donation receipt.

Swiss donors and for all donations to WCF International:
CREDIT SUISSE, Zurich, Switzerland
Account owner: Wild Chimpanzee Foundation
69, chemin de Planta
1223 Cologny, Switzerland

FCH    Konto No. 410205-51IBAN CH65 0483 5041 0205 5100 0
EURO   Konto No. 410205-52IBAN CH31 0483 5041 0205 5200 0
USDKonto No. 410205-52-1   IBAN CH04 0483 5041 0205 5200 1


Donations to our Swiss Registered Charity are tax deductible for Swiss residents, for non residents please ensure that a double taxation exists between your country of residence and Switzerland.

German donors:
Commerzbank Leipzig
Wild Chimpanzee Foundation-Germany-e.V.
IBAN: DE44 8604 0000 0113 7272 00

Would you like to become a member of the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation Germany e.V.?
The members of the WCF-Germany e.V. are committed to the protection of the last free-living chimpanzees in Africa. We are happy about every new member! The membership fee is 35 Euro per year and 100% of the money goes to the projects (awareness raising and biomonitoring). Please fill out the membership application form [pdf] and send it back to us.

Please send all correspondance to:
Wild Chimpanzee Foundation
Hedwige Boesch
Bleichertstr. 2
04155 Leipzig/Germany
Email: wcf@[>>> Please remove the brackets! <<<]