Legal Status
The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization, registered in Geneva Switzerland in October 2000 under CH-660-2177000-7. Based on its purpose, the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is to be classified as a charitable foundation of the type "foundations". It is under the supervision of the supervisory authority of foundations: Département fédéral de l'Intérieur, Berne, Switzerland. Donations can be deduced from income tax in Switzerland.
Since September 2006 the foundation is registered in Germany as “Wild Chimpanzee Foundation – Germany e.V.” under VR 4362:07.09.2006; donations can be deduced from income tax in Germany.
Since 2010 the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is registered as a non-profit organization in Côte d'Ivoire under 0477.
Since 2011 the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is registered as a non-profit organization in Guinea under NIF: 009109H.
Since 2013 the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is registered as a non-profit organization in Liberia under MPEA/NGO/AC#1296.
The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation has yearly financial audits controlled by the federal fiscal authorities for foundations, respectively associations.